AutoMem Membrane Control System

I developed the software and later also the electronics for PS Prozesstechnik's AutoMem membrane control system. It performs automatic concentration and diafiltration using two scales which measure the amount of fluid in the input and output containers.

The first version was a python software which reads measurements from the scales over serial port and controls the pumps/valves in the membrane system over a miniLAB IO board.

Screenshot of the old python software

As a second version I redesigned the system into a self contained board based on a STM32 microprocessor. It features a TFT 800*480px touchscreen.

AutoMem membrane control system

The firmware is written mostly in Rust with the hardware interfacing part written in C so that I could use ST's CubeMX libraries for that. For development I also wrote a simple simulator of the membrane system so that I could test without having to set up the actual hardware.

Software architecture
AutoMem embedded software screenshot
AutoMem PCB layout

I also did the (SMD) assembly of the boards

AutoMem prototype PCB