Computer Graphics / VFX

I have always found visual effects really interesting, I like to watch behind the scenes about vfx in movies. For a long time I have been playing around with Blender because I was interested in the technology, but didn't really know what to create with it. I also took some courses on computer graphics at university (those were more on the theoretical and technical part).

For the last year or so I have been watching many videos on Ian Huberts YouTube channel and Patreon page. I found them really useful and inspirational. He has a lot of practical experience in (low budget) filmmaking and doesn't talk too long about which buttons to click, but more about how to create something that looks good, and where you can cut corners without it being obvious in the render. At least that is what I was able to understand from his videos much better than from most other tutorials on the internet.

That got me motivated to try to create some things again, so here are some random images and animations:

My probably most advanced animation about a waste to energy plant

Some images:

Some stringy motion graphics